December Challenge has entered the final hours - if you're finishing up a build, best get to it! Photos need to be in my mailbox by Midnight EST tonight!
Right now there are eight entries - here's a sneak peek of the entry grid. Check back tomorrow to read all about them - and find out who won!


Well, it's 2008 on my side of the world... so happy new year and all the best!
ok you cant be garented a pize anymore happy new year
oh by the way im engalish
theres nothing wrong with megabloks
or click briks.
but i think theres somthing wrong with brick bloks.
ok the last blogposts coments make me verey hapay i dont have a webcomic.
which is unusal as i am soon going to have one.its just verey rare i update it.becase i have to go round someoneelses house to do it.its also a bit scrufy .its at http://www.freewebs.com/legogx/storytimewarp.htm .if you want to know about it go to my site.yes i want you to link to it.its caled time warp.
Sorry, kinda exploded there. :(
Oh god camera plz plzplz be fixed today! Or atleas till midnight!
Now thassa nice entry grid.
I really like the second from top left though, for obvious, hughly biased reasons.
I meant second from top right, sorry
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