Okay, I've gotten some good emails and blog comments suggesting that my decision of CITY for Day 18 is just plain wrong.
So, just to see how it goes, I've decided to put it up for a vote.
Poll may have been causing pop-ups. It's gone.
Final tally was 68% For CITY, 32% for Belville.
(Sorry, RSS folks, looks like you have to be at the actual post to vote.)
I had to put in for the bear and its poo since it more closely resembles one of my own holiday memories, when I got my first dog. Minutes upon finding him, he urinated on me and took a dump on the carpet, whereupon I had my first lesson in cleaning up after the mutt and "be careful what you wish for".
City should have won anyway, but I always like something interactive ^^
I had to vote for CITY because I just can't tell what the fudgekins the bear and the shovel is about.
Ahh, come on, how many people on here have been wanting to let CITY win. The majority of viewers are male, which is what CITY majorly appears to.
Also the bear would win it by it self, it had extra stuff, now surely that must be a win. Especially seeming the CITY thing resembles nothing and suck.
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