While the strip sometimes (okay, often) heads off into unscripted territory, the underlying structure has always been the feud between Scotch and his brother. It's just taken me nearly 700 strips to get to the point where I could reveal that little tidbit.
Classic reaction on Fox's part.
Planning anything for strip 700?
how is it i knew you were gonna put more dialouge than needed?
@anon2: #700 has a good "something to speculate about" moment as more facts get revealed/clarified. But I'm not planning any flying sharks or anything...
@danny: Well, I do so love to prattle on. Or my characters do. Or something.
crap in a hat indeed. wow, this could be a game show: Frogly feud! (laugh please)
wv: bartort some kind of menno bar food
Hey chris, could you have a selection thing by numbers? Because you keep reffering strip numbers...
I don't currently have a number-based jump - it's a good idea, though. In the meantime, I'll update the strip page with a direct link to the older strip.
Oh, and by the way (Same anonymous guy!) Wouldn't it be great if instead of actually turning up on the ship, whiskey and the guys ended up somewhere COMPLETELY different? Like a pub in glassgow or summat...
I have a growing surpision that tony stark is really a red herring...
either that or fox'll shoot him anyway =D
I'm guessing all the guys in tubes were red herrings?
Oh, and thanks chris!
I'm thinking of restarting mine...
Or starting a new one about space...
Whats up with the blog today? No fail?
So, are all of the other people, like the Ninja-Pirates and the hair, they are all still alive somewhere?
FANTASTIC!!! Chris, your fantastic, please keep making such high quality strips, I can feel the suspense building!
I really couldn't stop laughing for a while XD
That was the most unexpected 'crap in a hat' you've written in so far, Chris!
On another note: Does today's strip mean we're never gonna get our explanation why the Cola Company People abandoned their search for their fathers to start up said companies? Or is that what you've got planned for #700? :P
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