Here's what our Celebrity Judge Jake von Slatt of The Steampunk Workshop had to say:
I'll be contacting the winners over the next couple of days to arrange for prize selection and distribution.
"Thanks everyone for giving me this opportunity! I was amazed and surprised at the number and variety of entries, when I first read the contest rules I thought 'what can you do with only 50 bricks?' Turns out you can do a lot! The top cluster of entries were pretty tightly matched, and on a different day any one of them might have come out on top. But it's clear that everyone put in a lot creative effort and I'm pleased to see that the Lego-istas (Lego-folk? Lego-nattii?) are such a vibrant part of the Steampunk world!
Once again, a hearty "Thank you" to all who participated, and I hope to see you all again in our next contest. Details on that will be announced April 2nd!

I really should enter one of these again, maybe I'll win something next time.
Grats to all the winners, and Ian for winning twice because he's just that awesome.
The 8th place prize is going to be interesting to sort out...
I doubt that, only 7 prizes.
Hey, this is Dave the Rave.
I'm pretty pissed off about getting 66th place.
takua had a CAD version of his entry and had more playbility points than me! How do you play with a 3D rendering anyway?
I stayed up all night comig up with an idea and all I get is 66th place. And as I said before: it doesn't look steampunk because I dont have any wood colored pieces!
This is the first RC contest. The past contest had 7-10 entries. But now the contest has 83 entries! What the heck is that!?
Long story short: I'm pissed.
uh, "ANONYMOUS," I guess, um, well, on LDD (LEGO DIGITAL DESIGNER) you can order your model and everything. (You can even design you own box!) Isn't that cool!!! (Sorry I have a lot of energy!!!!!!!!!!)
BTW, I changed my name from "thejakester1997" to "The Jakester"
Pumpkinetics is right - the 8th place tie thing is going to probably mean I'll have to buy an extra prize. Remember, each contestant can only win *one* prize - and both Ian and SlyOwl placed twice in the prize zone. That means the prizes roll "downhill" to eighth and ninth - but because there are *three* eighths they'll absorb both of the rolldowns - and require me to buy one more.
Sorry you didn't like the results - I wasn't thrilled when my Falcon model didn't make it to round two of the Bothan's challenge either. *shrug* Just use this as motivation to try again next time. There'll be other challenges with different judges.
To address your points:
LDD is a valid entry style here at RC; the judges treat the model as if it were a physical model. This is to help those with a lack of parts still participate.
As to how Steampunk your model is...well, that's going to be a matter of opinion. Our judge didn't give you very high marks. That's his call. You can disagree. That's your call. But it's more than just color choices. If you look, the 7th place winner didn't use any brown pieces at all either.
As to the number of entries...are you actually complaining because you had competition?
Personally, if I can earn this sort of turnout for future contests I'll be thrilled. Seeing a plethora of designs and artists was the real thrill of this contest for me.
Anyway. Sorry you're pissed. I'm sure, though, that there are people who scored less than 66th are even more upset - and probably for better reasons.
"Are you complaining because you have copmetition?"-chris
No. I'm just pissed because in the holiday transformers contest there was like 7 entries, and suddenly this contest literally gets flooded with entries. What the heck is that all about?!
Several reasons, I think:
Steampunk is a lot easier to build than a Transformer. A lot of carryover from the Steam Wars contest on FBTB. And a Celebrity judge. And better prizes.
To Everyone:
Jake was concerned about my posting the scores for everyone - he didn't want to upset the people who ranked lower on the scale. I told him that I thought everyone would want to know where they placed, good or ill. Obviously that was a bad call.
I've tweaked the grid to only show scores for the top 20 entries. If you *must* know how your model placed, email me directly and we'll talk. But between 22nd place and 51st there were only 10 points difference in score - and only 20 points between 22nd and 83rd. The race was that close.
Yes, but if you didnt disqualify those people then we would have had almost 100 entries!! And that is just too crazy.
Damn, I missed my two ranks. Oh well, I enjoyed the contest, and that's what matters.
Baz: Thanks - I needed to hear that. :)
Congratulations to all of you who entered the contest, there were so many MOCs that I was sure would place better than mine. Chris, thanks for this opportunity. I don't think I ever entered a contest with so many contestants. It was fun, really fun, I did make three entries for it, that's how fun it was.
64th place!
I know it's not the first place,
but I'm quite proud!
This is the first ever contest I've entered.
And I'm not last!
I'm quite proud of that!
Let me also add to the note of thanks. This was the first building contest I've entered and had a lot of fun creating my models.
Ed M
Congrats to the winners, and thanks to Chris for hosting the contest.
Even if I didn't win, I feel rewarded just seeing the many creative entries!
Ah... un-tweak please? I wanna know mah score! (plus, other people wanna know theirs too...)
I wanna know wether or not I came above some of the entries that were compilations of technic parts... Not to be rude or anything, but they don't quite look complete -_-
I thought it was a great contest!
OK, so I didn't win, but I convinced my wife I needed a few more LEGOs to complete my creations. So in my book I did WIN!
Though I am curious about where I placed. (Damn cats always give curiosity a bad name.)
Thanks for the contest Chris!
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