I'm working on concepts for the next contest - I have a theme in mind, but I have to hear back from the potential judges before I move forward with that.
That said, I'm always open to suggestions, ideas, and friend-of-a-friending. Anyone know of a person (or persons) who would make a fun celebrity judge for a contest?
Brick Pitt!
I know someone who knows someone who knows someone who lives close to Bono!
Guess that's what happens when you live in Ireland.....
comp idea: for the new indi movie,
indiana jones scene compotion or somthing on the lines of that
Another site is already running an Indy contest.
There should be a caveracer contest.
If you don't know what a caveracer is, Flickr is your friend.
Why don't you run a competition to create your own comic strip. And you can have all you web-comic friends as judges.
Adrian Drake of Brickfrenzy
What about a custom weapon contest although you might need Will again!
how about a star wars contest?
Have you ever wanted lego to make some scene or something from star wars that you think people would like more? like for example: lego made a jedi starfighter and booster ring for episode three, but what about the one in attack of the clones? they (or you) need to make a booster ring for set #7143-1: Jedi Starfighter. i think it would look cooler in lego form.
or you could just remake an old lego set like the mos espa pod race.
where you can get a celebrity, i cant help you.
or another idea, an alternate mode for a mini set like 4838 Mini Vehicles or some thing. just a few ideas from no one. thanks
You should make a brikfilming contest! That would be awesome!
Ok, this may be complecated but look at this...http://www.akihabaranews.com/fr/news-11216-AKIBA+TV:+Des+MECHA+en+Lego.html. They all made bipedial fighting robo's that look awesome.
i like sam?'s idea
check out this picture i found >>> on brickshelf
im not too bothered what the next contest will be about, as long as i can build my entry on LDD.
for the contest plz can u just post a comment because my email thing no work
Why not just get a free gmail or hotmail account? It's not like it's any harder than commenting here...
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