Ian and I have a long history of sharing characters with each other, but this is certainly a first for me...
Now, why I'm apparentlydead and dressed in tacky white, that's another question entirely. Something you're not telling me, Ian?
(Ian says I'm NOT dead, just Meta.)
Now, why I'm apparently
(Ian says I'm NOT dead, just Meta.)
Maybe Ian is trying to say you're his impression of God? Or an impression of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates?
I'm not sure why. I would favor the God angle myself, it fits a bit better.
St Peter's job is boring, it could be fun at times though.
"Okay, you can go on in."
"Nah, I'm just kidding. *sends to Hell*"
You're not dead; you're a METAcharacter. Like when I appear in my own strip.
Sorry- the wings threw me. ;)
Looks like you have some sort of flying machine strapped to your back, Chris... kinda like the Rocketeer but without the 'hood ornament' helmet.
And better check your voice mail -- Gordon Ramsay's gonna want that outfit back. :)
Maybe Chris should appear in his own strips a bit more often. ;)
There's no reason he couldn't make a character who is surprisingly similar to him, and who has a part to play in things unfolding.
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