I've been a bit lax in reporting the updates to the entry grids, but they've been going up pretty regularly.
With just a week and half left to build, the grids continue to expand with some high quality entries. Right now there are a total of 66 models - with just under half of those in the Class 2 "Evil Scientist" category.
Sorry, last one was me with a few mistakes.
Ha ha, I love the GLaDOS. It needs the cores and Chell though. "Are you the lady from the test? What's that?
Edit: I see the cores now, cool. :D
pavelov's dog is good, but you never really herd about his experiments with his cat?
(youtube eddie izzard pavelov's cat)
@ Nick, Did you see this photo?
I was trying to fit her and the Portals into the photo, but I thought it looked eerier without anyone there.
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