Now that we're past yesterday's "shocker", I just wanted to say that aside from poking some fun at Blog-Geoffrey's posting history, Geoffrey the Troll is meant to be his own character, not an in-strip avatar.
To quote the bard: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" - this is a Storybook Character...that he has a name we recognize is a *cough* complete coincidence.
Anyway, a grateful nod to Blog-Geoffrey for taking the ribbing in the lighthearted way it was meant.
Funny, for a brief moment there, I was considering adopting him as my avatar. Mind you, I'm sure I can find a more suitable one somewhere.
And as for finding other work, have those characters - and Whiskey in particular - ever had a useful thought? I often wonder why they don't complain about their brains hurting. ;)
I think Scotch is okay, though, he's green, like the troll, even if he is forced to be silent - so maybe he has some intelligence - hopefully a little will rub off onto the rest of the group.
Well, GT does share your name; people have used a lot less reason to snag an avatar pic.
Is it okay to 'snag' comic-sized avatar pics for blogger accounts, or do they need resizing? :)
I would suspect the latter ...
I think Blogger automatically resizes it for you.
Man... when your own characters rag on you, you know you've got it bad...
Of course, Chris should be used to this by now... ;)
"Troll Bridge" is something I'd expect to see here though... but probably only if Pat were the troll...
Troll Geoffrey is offering work? Perhaps it's in Geoffrey's brilliant but as-yet-unseen webcomic...
Just kidding, Geoffrey- you're being a good sport about this- kudos to you, sir!
I'll certainly second that, TK1420... Geoffrey's definitely been good about this.
Of course, as there are LEGO Star Wars sets you could very well be next. :)
well you cant name a charicter after me
Wash and Fox will be back, but it'll be a few months.
And, no, I'd rather you left Whiskey be.
Why would I *want* to?
Aski Tobi. Maybe s/he'd be interested in having you cameo.
Jeez, you're character's seem to really hate you, you should get that checked Doyle.
Christopher Doyle
if anyone did thet would be mad
i mean even a droid with my screen name would be rubish
as would any one else
Do you have a beard, Chris?
Also, are you sure I can't just have Whiskey as a guest star? I'll pay you and put your name on the comics once I publish my comics.
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