A few months ago, Ian mentioned an idea he had for creating a portal for LEGO-based webcomics. I know many of the readers of this blog (and Ian's) have dabbled in strip creation - and I'm sure there are dozens of LEGO based-strips that I just haven't been exposed to yet. It
would be nice to have a jumping-off point to explore those strips - hopefully widening the audience by sharing readers.
I'm working on a revamp of my own comic menu areas - if I were to try and implement something like a portal, now would be the time for it. The question is, if I build it, would anyone come?
I was thinking of some sort of moderated links page - anyone could submit a link, but you'd have to meet some basic criteria before you were added. Criteria like "more than three episodes published and some sort of track record for accomplishing updates at least once a month."
If you're linked, you'd need to put some sort link-back image on your main comic page - nothing too obnoxious, but if the traffic isn't two-way there's not much point in having an index. There could be cluster-wide events and crossovers, contests, or...well, who knows.
Maybe we could get one of the more eloquent blogs to agree to do a weekly review of one of the strips in the cluster, again with the idea of bringing these strips to a wider audience.
What do you guys think? Would this be something you'd be interested in seeing/participating in? Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?