No, that's not the same hatch Tony came out of. If you watch the previous strips, the cast walk around the front of the Owlship. Fox uses Tony's keys to open the passenger side door.
Although, now that I think about it, in both the movie and comic Nite Owl pilots the craft from the right hand seat. I wonder if that's due to the UK configuration of most cars - and the fact that both Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons are British. hmmmm.
Anyway, I'd already established that this is Tony Stark's take on the Owlship, so it's not too shocking he'd have adapted it for the more familiar "driver on the left" style of American vehicles.
Wow. I really am a geek, aren't I?
I guess next week will be full of answers to obvious questions like how that ship is going to get out of the BH TARDIS without destroying it in the process.
What happened to Mama Tango?
Go re-read strips 644 and 645.
If this is truly Tony's take on the Owlship, then at least it should be packing a killer stereo system playing AC/DC's "Back in Black." :)
well its mabye just like the regular car dorrs, y'know a left and right dorr for your convenience(sp).
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