I'm on the road and may not have FTP access to the site until this evening. Until then, this post is the only way "in" to today's strip. I figured you guys would rather see things on-time, even if the normal links weren't functional.
Just another perk for those of you who check the blog...
*hands Chris a bucket of maroon paint*
I think you should recolor Ian a bit, he really fell for that one! *laughs*
Nice. LOL
I burst out laughing! Top-notch.
I always read the comic first. When I didn't see the comic today I was going to leave it at that. I'm glad I didn't.
Ian's a maroon? You mean moron, I think.
Um...you obviously missed out on the whole Bugs Bunny/Looney Tunes thing.
"What a Maroon" is a classic line.
what in the world is "the Dorothy option"?
Dorothy as in Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz where [spoiler]she found out she had the power to go home the entire time because she had the ruby slippers.[/spoiler]
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