Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Comics Delayed

Hey gang - comics will be off by a couple of days this week - travel back from OmegaCon was a bit more prolonged than expected. You'll still get 5 this week so don't get overly worked up.


Amanda said...


Anonymous said...

Can you at least give us the winners from the contests?

Geoffrey said...

Chris: Have you ever considered buffering a week ahead for the comics?

Anyway, safe travels, and may the comics get back to schedule quickly!

Geoffrey said...

Chris: Can you give readers some idea of when the comics should be uploaded and ready for viewing? The waiting would be a lot easier for me if I knew approximately when they were going to be available.

Anonymous said...

Fang, we get 5 this week. And I agree with Geoffrey. LOL! stinkinz! word verification.

Christopher Doyle said...

I post the comics as soon as they're ready - I'd love to be a week (or more) ahead, but that rarely happens. It's near impossible to keep the schedule as it is now...finding time to get ahead....just isn't in the cards.

So really, "you'll see 'em when I have 'em" is the best estimate you'll ever get on a late strip.