Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Episode 238

Read the strip here.

Whiskey continues his rebellion, much to the author's chagrin.

Whiskey really didn't get that much respect from Ian during his guest stint at The Adventures of the S-Team - although he did bully that author into giving him a mech suit for a bit. Maybe he's just regretting not getting it on with the Scarlet Swordmistress when he had the chance.

Just how far can a plastic toy push his luck? Find out tomorrow...


Ian said...

On the other hand, he totally got it on with TigerGirl for a whole week, so he's probably feeling pretty studly.


Christopher Doyle said...

Very true, Ian. No *wonder* Whiskey is anxious to make a return to your strip!

(Of course, with his "charm" he's end up hitting on Silence - and then Stonewall would have to kill him...)

Anonymous said...

or maybe he could dream he went back in time to the "mammalizer" thing.

Anonymous said...

At least they respected me,yea right!Whiskey only wants to make love with tiger girl!