Thursday, October 9, 2008

Episode 536

Read the comic here.

A super power almost anyone can acquire.


Geoffrey said...

If Chris hadn't mentioned earlier that Geoffrey is meant to be his own character, in his own role, and not a twisted me, then I'd be worried about now.

However, I feel that I must congratulate Chris for his excellent comic strip story so far. Well done, Chris!

Uncle Servo said...

Well... it does seem that every time I take a look around Chris' blog, there you are... so I think I'd be getting a teensy bit worried regardless. :)

I'm with you on that second part though... 'tis been most excellent!!!! *guitar riff*

Nick said...

Posting after Geoff always seems awkward. He always has those two paragraph posts about how great everything is, and the first/only thing I think of is "...I like the comic too."
