The R-Bix bot came out of an old Mission to Mars set - he's been sitting on top of my parts rack for years, patiently awaiting his chance at stardom. And what does he do first chance he gets? He runs off panel.
Hello Chris I love your website and the comics and also the creations you can build. I just wanted to say and to ask that your Owl Ship is quite honestly the best lego set since the creation of lego itself and if there is any chance of obtaining instructions I would be eternally grateful. p.s: i also love darth croissant
Sorry, but I don't have any instructions on the ship - it was pretty much built on-the-fly, and documenting that part of things has never been my strong suit...
I have gotten a number of requests about this, though. The Owlship returns to the strip soon - after it's done maybe I'll smash it up and take some "interior" photos to help other build their own versions...
you know, if clone fox is anything like the real one, she should whup the @$$ of mary beth. of course, if she did know who she was, she wouldnt owing to the fact that Mary beth is her daughter... but still
Hello Chris
I love your website and the comics and also the creations you can build. I just wanted to say and to ask that your Owl Ship is quite honestly the best lego set since the creation of lego itself and if there is any chance of obtaining instructions I would be eternally grateful.
p.s: i also love darth croissant
So the clones have the memories of the original? At what point was Fox cloned then?
Sorry, but I don't have any instructions on the ship - it was pretty much built on-the-fly, and documenting that part of things has never been my strong suit...
I have gotten a number of requests about this, though. The Owlship returns to the strip soon - after it's done maybe I'll smash it up and take some "interior" photos to help other build their own versions...
Where are you seeing that this Fox has the memories of the original? The "who am I" line doesn't give much hope for that...
you know, if clone fox is anything like the real one, she should whup the @$$ of mary beth. of course, if she did know who she was, she wouldnt owing to the fact that Mary beth is her daughter... but still
oh chris do you have any tips on photographing mocs? or websites to host them?
Have you tried looking at the LEGO groups on Flickr? Much better info there, and that'd solve the host issue, too.
fox's clone kinda reminds me of ripley in alien: resurrection. without the alien queen. or the strength.
actually, with the strength.
also, I'm getting the 2 summer tiny turbo sets tomorrow, might comment on thursday's strip with a review if chris doesn't mind.
@takua -
The comments really isn't the spot for a review. If you want to write up something I would consider posting it to the main blog, though.
Do I sense a reference to Adam's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in Fox's words? It reminds me of the whale...
WE can do that?!?
@C -
Key phrase here is "might be willing". Depends on the quality of the submitted content.
On the other hand, changes are in the works that might make it a moot point anyway.
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