Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Workbench: Scout thingie

I was inspired by the engine on the 7672 Rogue Shadow and thought I'd try my hand a a "vertical half circle drive". This build is about 60% complete - at this point I consider the basic shape roughed in, but all the detail work needs serious help. Plus, I need to build an actual cockpit. Still, I did say I'd post my workbench in-progress photos from time to time, so here you go.

Rear view showing the drive design copied from the RS. Of course, I'm using a larger half circle, so the styling isn't quite the same. The side engines are for atmospheric flight - I may ditch them as they really ruin the thin saucer shape I was going for.

Side view.

3/4 view - you can see the pilot is just sort of stuck to the floor. Controls will be added soon...

The cockpit does open, though.


Nick said...

Oh come on, Christ! Everyone knows not to trust a Nazi with a space ship!

Nick said...


Anonymous said...

i kinda like the engines. and the only nazi that has a chance of being trusted with a spaceship are the creme egg variety from raiders of the lost goo. they'd probably get sucked into the engines or something.

Anonymous said...

Do I spot a Hotwheels Mystery cars Beetle in the background? :D BEETLE!!!
Also,on topic,that is a cool MOC. :)