Yes, they all have the same number on their shirts. I thought about photoshopping that little detail, but it really didn't seem worth the effort. For the sake of argument, we'll say that's the detention center's ID, not a personal number.
Tristan Carlson
Ahh, bad puns: a hallmark of the strip appears once again.
In my experience, the toilets, sinks and water fountains are all consolidated into one unit in jail. Whilst I'm sure that the plumbing didn't co-mingle, let's just say that I didn't get too many sips of water.
@Ben Hardened criminal. I once spent 4 hours in the county jail for driving with a license that was suspended in error due to screwups by the electronic toll system in Florida.
Ahh, bad puns: a hallmark of the strip appears once again.
In my experience, the toilets, sinks and water fountains are all consolidated into one unit in jail. Whilst I'm sure that the plumbing didn't co-mingle, let's just say that I didn't get too many sips of water.
When did Wash get the new arm?
We're used to Lego convicts all having the same number - that happens in the current Police HQ as well...
Oh, I guess wash got his arm back in 681. It's been too long since we saw him last.
in your experience? ex con?
@Ben Hardened criminal. I once spent 4 hours in the county jail for driving with a license that was suspended in error due to screwups by the electronic toll system in Florida.
Things might be different in "759" will appear once again...
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