It's a bit hard to make out in the strip, but Scotch is riding a stripped down version of the walkers that Juan and the Herring Guard get around on.
This is also the first strip in a while that wasn't taken with flash photography. I recently moved things around in my LEGO workshop, and it let me set up a camera stand and light. I'm still tweaking settings, but I think the end result is much nicer - check out those great shadows on the detailing behind Juan.
I've found that non-flash photography always works a lot better when I take pictures; otherwise, they have a marked tendency to turn out with too much yellow in them. There's quite a noticeable difference when you start.
it also helps to hide the slight color differences in the bricks
also, when/what do you think the next contest would be?
may i suggest a mini model contest?
(most likely starwars related)
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